Eid Mubarak!
My 1st Eid in Hungary 😀 We prepared cake obviously and barbecued goodness, yuuummm!
The following cake is a Mandarin Yogurt Cake (narancs is orange, but I sub it to mandarin). It is originally from Hungary. The cake has soft center almost pudding like, thanks to the yogurt.
It is perfect to make in summer time but also great for anytime. We had it as a dessert to our ribs barbecue. So, so, so, so good ^_^ Refreshing!

To make a taller cake, please use 6 inch spring form pan; the cake on the picture was with 8-inch pan, so it’s wider but of course thinner/flat.
- 2 eggs
- 40 g sugar
- 60 g flour
- Beat everything to combine well. Spread on spring-form pan, bake at preheated 350 F for 20-25 minutes depending the heat of your oven. Cool to room temperature (do not remove from pan)

- 2 yolks
- 80 g icing sugar
- 250 ml yogurt, no flavor
- fresh lemon juice, squeezed from 1 whole lemon
- 15 g gelatin powder (according to your diet, if you are Kosher/Halal, they are available online), divided
- 400 ml whipping cream or heavy cream 35%, divided
- 1 small tin mandarin slices, drain
- almond meal as needed
- Mix yolks, icing sugar, yogurt, lemon juice, 2/3 of the gelatin powder, half of the whipping cream in a pot and bring to simmer. Cool to room temperature
- Once mixture is cooled, mix in 2/3 of the mandarin slices, and pour onto cooled cake. Chill in the fridge to firm up for at least 3 H.
- Release cake from the spring-form pan and cover the sides of the cake with almond meal
- Beat the rest of the whipping cream and gelatin powder with a little icing sugar. Cover the top of the cake.

- Decorate as you wish! I sprinkled grated pink chocolate, place left over mandarin as flower, and added fresh grapes
- Slice and serve 😀
Mandarin Yogurt Cake
- 2 eggs
- 40 g sugar
- 60 g flour
- 2 yolks
- 80 g icing sugar
- 250 ml yogurt no flavor
- fresh lemon juice squeezed from 1 whole lemon
- 15 g gelatin powder according to your diet, if you are Kosher/Halal, they are available online, divided
- 400 ml whipping cream or heavy cream 35% divided
- 1 small tin mandarin slices drain
- almond meal as needed
- Beat everything to combine well. Spread on spring-form pan, bake at preheated 350 F for 20-25 minutes depending the heat of your oven. Cool to room temperature (do not remove from pan)
- Mix yolks, icing sugar, yogurt, lemon juice, 2/3 of the gelatin powder, half of the whipping cream in a pot and bring to simmer. Cool to room temperature
- Once mixture is cooled, mix in 2/3 of the mandarin slices, and pour onto cooled cake. Chill in the fridge to firm up for at least 3 H.
- Release cake from the spring-form pan and cover the sides of the cake with almond meal
- Beat the rest of the whipping cream and gelatin powder with a little icing sugar. Cover the top of the cake.

Kue Puding Yogurt Khas Hongaria
Lebaran tahun ini saya coba bikin kue agak berbeda, bukan khas dari Indonesia melainkan resep dari negara Hongaria. Sayangnya, banyak resep dari Hongaria sering tidak menyebut ukuran cetakan yang mereka gunakan (dan seringnya karena resep turun temurun, bahkan mereka tidak menggunakan ukuran, hanya kira-kira saja -.-), jadi saya kadang harus berpikir dua kali lipat dengan melihat jumlah bahan yang digunakan.
Resep dibawah ini cocok bila menggunakan loyang bongkar pasang bulat ukuran 6 inch ataupun 7 inch.

Bahan Kue :
2 butir telur
40 g gula pasir
60 g tepung terigu
Bahan Puding :
2 kuning telur
80 g gula bubuk
250 ml yogurt tanpa rasa
jus peras dari 1 buah jeruk lemon
15 g bubuk gelatin (yang halal di Indonesia sudah tersedia)
400 ml whipping cream
1 kaleng jeruk mandarin, ukuran kecil
secukupnya bubuk almond (kacang almond yang sudah dicacah super halus, terlebih dahulu dipanggang)
Kocok semua bahan untuk kue hingga rata, tuang pada loyang, panggang hingga matang, dinginkan
Campurkan kuning telur, yogurt, 200 ml whipping cream, gula bubuk, jus lemon, 2/3 gelatin, masak hingga hampir mendidih sambil terus diaduk.
Dinginkan pada suhu ruangan
Saat sudah dingin, masukkan 2/3 kaleng jeruk mandarin, aduk dan tuang pada kue yang sudah dingin
Masukkan pada kulkas (bukan bagian es), selama 3 jam, lepaskan sisi loyang, rekatkan bubuk almond
Kocok 200 ml whipping cream dengan sisa gelatin.
Jika diinginkan, beri bubuk gula (whipping cream di Hongaria ada yang sudah terasa manis jadi resep asli dari nenek tidak diberi bubuk gula), hias kue sesuai selera.