These biscuits are good as is, dipped in warm coffee or cold milk, but as you may already know, people use ladyfinger for dessert base such as for tiramisu 🙂
I used some of mine to make strawberry mousse cake, which I will be sharing the recipe some other time, as today is all about cookies 😀

3 egg yolks + 1 tbsp sugar
3 egg whites + 7 tbsp sugar
7 tbsp flour mixed with tbsp corn starch
- In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until firm/stiff
- In a separate bowl, beat yolks until fluffy

- Fold both along with flour mixture, spoon mixture into piping bag
- Preheat over to 350 F
- Pipe batter onto parchment paper lined tray

- Bake for 8-10 mins, take out, leave on tray to cool for 10 minutes
- Rebake biscuits on 250 F for 20 minutes

Ladyfinger Biscuits
- 3 egg yolks + 1 tbsp sugar
- 3 egg whites + 7 tbsp sugar
- 7 tbsp flour mixed with tbsp corn starch
- In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until firm/stiff
- In a separate bowl, beat yolks until fluffy
- Fold both along with flour mixture, spoon mixture into piping bag
- Preheat over to 350 F
- Pipe batter onto parchment paper lined tray
- Bake for 8-10 mins, take out, leave on tray to cool for 10 minutes
- Rebake biscuits on 250 F for 20 minutes

3 kuning telur
1 sdm penuh gula pasir
7 sdm penuh gula pasir
3 putih telur
7 sdm tepung terigu dicampur dengan 2 sdm tepung maizena
Kocok campuran putih telur hingga kaku (seperti mau buat meringue/schuimpjes)
Kocok campuran kuning telur hingga lembut
Campur kocokan putih telur dan kuning telur, aduk dengan sendok kayu atau plastik ataupun spatula, aduk rata perlahan
Masukkan tepung, aduk rata
Tuang adonan pada plastik segitiga, semprot ke atas kertas parchment
Panggang selama 8-10 menit (tergantung oven Anda), pada 350 F yang telah di panaskan terlebih dahulu
Keluarkan biskuit, dinginkan suhu ruangan 10-15 menit lamanya
Panggang kembali pada 250 F selama 20 menit hingga biskuit garing