My 1st Mother’s Day
So naturally, I treated myself to a chocolate cake hahahha
Instead serving chocolate cake as is, decorate it simple way, with strawberry slices!

Coring Strawberries
You can use knife obviously, but by using a firm straw, the hole would be the same size for each strawberry.
Just remove the leaves and/or stems and push in your straw, voila
Halved, then slice each halves thinly as shown on the last picture.

Chocolate Cake
This is a chocolate cake that I learned while living in Hungary. Many variety of chocolate cakes of course, and you can use your own favorite chocolate cake!
Csokoladetorta (cake)
100 g chocolate (milk)
100 g butter (dont substitute)
160 g icing sugar
7 eggs
150 flour
Melt chocolate and let it cool to room temperature
Beat butter and icing sugar then add in yolk one at a time
Once all yolks is added in, pour in melted chocolate and beat for 20 minutes
In another bowl, beat egg whites until stiff then fold in flour a little at a time, folding it lightly
Mix the yolk mixture and white mixture, folding lightly
Pour batter into 2 9 inch round pan and bake at 350 F for 30 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean (please do watch out for your oven temperature. each oven has differ temperature and sometimes the accuracy is not reliable unless you have oven temperature measurement)
Cool on rack
Chocolate Glaze
3 eggs
210 g icing sugar
150 g butter
50 g chocolate
Crack the eggs into a bowl and add in icing sugar.
Over steam (double boiler), mix them until thickened
Melt chocolate and butter then add into lukewarm eggs
Keep stirring until cool to room temperature

Final Cake
Stack the cakes and between layers spread some peach jam. Once stack, pour chocolate glaze from top and covering side as well
You can decorate with strawberry slices right away or wait a bit until glaze is firming on cake (so strawberry wont slide down)
Slice and enjoy~
Strawberry Flower Chocolate Cake
- Strawberries core and slice
- 100 g chocolate milk
- 100 g butter dont substitute
- 160 g icing sugar
- 7 eggs
- 150 flour
- 3 eggs
- 210 g icing sugar
- 150 g butter
- 50 g chocolate
- Melt chocolate and let it cool to room temperature
- Beat butter and icing sugar then add in yolk one at a time
- Once all yolks is added in, pour in melted chocolate and beat for 20 minutes
- In another bowl, beat egg whites until stiff then fold in flour a little at a time, folding it lightly
- Mix the yolk mixture and white mixture, folding lightly
- Pour batter into 2 9 inch round pan and bake at 350 F for 30 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean (please do watch out for your oven temperature. each oven has differ temperature and sometimes the accuracy is not reliable unless you have oven temperature measurement)
- Cool on rack
- Crack the eggs into a bowl and add in icing sugar.
- Over steam (double boiler), mix them until thickened
- Melt chocolate and butter then add into lukewarm eggs
- Keep stirring until cool to room temperature
Final Cake
- Stack the cakes and between layers spread some peach jam. Once stack, pour chocolate glaze from top and covering side as well
- You can decorate with strawberry slices right away or wait a bit until glaze is firming on cake (so strawberry wont slide down)
- Slice and enjoy~

Tart Cokelat
Di Canada, Mother’s Day jatuh setiap minggu kedua bulan Mei, yang tentunya sangat berbeda dengan perayaan di Indonesia. Saya buat kue ini spesial buat diri saya sendiri kekekeke. Tahun ini merupakan tahun pertama saya turut merayakan Hari Ibu, jadi kue ini super spesial bagi saya. Resep dibawah ini saya utak-atik dari 2 resep kue cokelat yang pernah saya buat, yaitu Orange-Chocolate Cake serta Chocolate Cake with Homemade Chocolate Band/Chocolate Collar.
Karena ini Hari Ibu dan hati saya berbunga-bunga, kue saya dekorasi membentuk bunga (mirip ga yah?); sebenarnya sih, yang dekorasi suami saya haha, saya ga terlalu ada waktu karena harus bersama baby (alesan, padahal males hihihii)
Kuenya sendiri saya buat tidak terlalu manis mengingat icing yang saya pakai sangatlah manis. Kalau mau pakai icing/frosting Anda sendiri, gula untuk kue bisa ditambahkan 1 cup lagi yah.
Bahan A
1 3/4 cup tepung terigu
1 cup gula pasir
1 1/2 sdt baking powder
1 1/2 sdt soda kue
sejumput garam
1/2 cup coklat bubuk
Bahan B
2 butir telur
1 cup susu cair, boleh skim, 1 %, 2 %, terserah Anda
1/2 cup minyak goreng
1 sdt esktrak vanila
1 sdt coffee mocha paste (pasta rasa moka)
Bahan C
1 cup air panas yang baru mendidih
Cara Membuat
Panaskan oven 350 F
Sapu loyang bundar Anda (jangan yang bongkar pasang yah), dengan mentega/margarin, dan taburi dengan tepung terigu, ratakan. Jika Anda menggunakan 2 cup gula pasir buat kue, gunakan 2 loyang bundar ukuran 9 inch, tapi kalau 1 cup, gunakan 1 loyang juga boleh (ntar kue boleh Anda belah dua atau tetap utuh, terserah Anda). Disini saya pakai 2 loyang meskipun 1 cup karena saya males repot harus belah dua kue yang sudah matang, huehehehe.
Campur semua bahan A, buat lubang tengahnya. Masukkan bahan B, kocok dengan mixer selama 2 menit dengan kecepatan medium.
Matikan mixer, tuang air panas, aduk rata dengan sendok kayu.
Tuang ke loyang, panggang selama 30-35 menit (atau pisau ditusuk ketengah, keluar kering)
Keluarkan dari oven, biarkan selama 5 menit, baru keluarkan dari loyang dan taruh di atas rak pendingin kue
Hias sesuai selera.
Cokelat Icing
1 kaleng susu kental manis
1/2 cup cokelat bubuk (tergantung selera Anda, mau lebih gelap dan lebih terasa atau sedang-sedang saja)
1/3 cup minyak kacang ataupun minyak jagung
1 sdt ekstrak vanila yang asli (pure vanilla extract), untuk kue diatas saya pakai yang imitasi aja, mau pakau yang pure juga boleh tentutnya
1/2 – 1 sdt pasta moka
Cara Membuat
Campur semua bahan kecuali vanila, aduk rata
Masak diatas air panas (sistem double boiler), hingga pekat dan mengkilat
Setelah itu baru masukkan vanila
Setelah agak hangat, tuang keatas kue dan taruh dalam kulkas (lemari pendingin bukan bagian freezer yah)