Hi Guys!
Indonesia is known for it’s spiced packed dishes, one of them is the internationally well known beef stew, called Rendang.
While it is originated from Sumatra and on the spicy side, in Java they also have beef stew that they also referred it as Rendang. Some Javanese would add coconut milk just as the Sumatran Rendang would be, some don’t. One thing that diferriantiate the Rendang BIG TIME, between these two islands, is that Javanese style Rendang is on the sweet side, like almost always.
Rendang Jawa (Javanese beef stew) is closer to another type of Javanese dish, that is also sweet, but one can use beef, chicken, egg, and whatnot, called Semur.
That being said. This following dish am sharing today, some people would call it as Rendang Jawa, some others, Semur.
Either, it is yummy, if I may so myself.
We serve this dish always with warm rice, – and if you have fried shallots, even better ?

1/2 kg less fat beef, cube
6 shallots, chopped or turn into paste using food processor if not mortar and pestle
4 garlic, chopped or turn into paste using food processor if not mortar and pestle
2 large tomatoes, sliced thinly
1/2 tsp cumin, dry-fry, grind to powder
1/2 tsp coriander, dry-fry grind to powder
6 tbsp sweet soy sauce (kecap manis)
4-6 cloves,
Salt and white pepper powder, to taste
2 tbsp cooking oil
At least 1 c of water

How To:
Heat oil, saute garlic, onion, along with cloves, cumin and coriander powders, til fragrant
Stir in beef, cook for 5-8 mins
Add in tomatoes, stir. Season with salt and pepper. Cook until tomatoes soften and mixed well.
Pour in sweet soy sauce, stir well to combine, then pour in water. Continue cooking.
Let mixture boil, on low medium heat, stirring occasionally, until beef super tender and water lessen, leaving a small amount broth, which will be so yummy to flavor your white rice ?
Bon appetit and enjoy the lovely and sunny Sunday ? – well, here is Sunny ????
Rendang Jawa (Semur)
- 1/2 kg less fat beef cube
- 6 shallots chopped or turn into paste using food processor if not mortar and pestle
- 4 garlic chopped or turn into paste using food processor if not mortar and pestle
- 2 large tomatoes sliced thinly
- 1/2 tsp cumin dry-fry, grind to powder
- 1/2 tsp coriander dry-fry grind to powder
- 6 tbsp sweet soy sauce kecap manis
- 4-6 cloves
- Salt and white pepper powder to taste
- 2 tbsp cooking oil
- At least 1 c of water
- Heat oil, saute garlic, onion, along with cloves, cumin and coriander powders, til fragrant
- Stir in beef, cook for 5-8 mins
- Add in tomatoes, stir. Season with salt and pepper. Cook until tomatoes soften and mixed well.
- Pour in sweet soy sauce, stir well to combine, then pour in water. Continue cooking.
- Let mixture boil, on lowe medium heat, stirring occasionally, until beef super tender and water lessen, leaving a small amount broth, which will be so yummy to flavor your white rice ?

Kalo ga mau repot, haluskan semua bumbu pake food processor (kecuali cengkeh yah)
1/2 kg daging tanpa lemak, potong kotak-kotak
6 butir bawang merah, cacah
4 siung bawang putih, cacah
2 buah tomat, iris tipis
1/2 sdt jintan, sangrai, haluskan
1/2 sdt ketumbar, sangrai, haluskan
6 sdm kecap manis
4 butir cengkeh (kadang aku kasih 6, tergantung selera sih yah)
garam dan merica secukupnya
minyak goreng secukupnya
1 gelas air
Cara Membuat
Panaskan minyak, tumis cacahan bawang-bawangan beserta cengkeh. ketumbar, dan jinta hingga wangi
Masukkan daging, masak sebentar
Masukkan tomat, beri garam dan merica secukupnya
Tuangkan kecap manis, aduk rata, lalu tuangkan air, aduk rata
Masak hingga mendidih, daging lunak dan air menyusut.