This Indonesian fragrant rice is most of the time is accompanied with peanut sauce and fried chicken.
One of my best memories while living in Yogyakarta, Central Java, is having nasi uduk, for dinner, so, so, so good ๐

Nasi Uduk (Fragrant Rice):
300 g rice
400 ml coconut milk
2 mace
6 cloves
5 cm cinnamon stick
1 nutmeg, crushed
3 cm fresh or dried galangal, bruised if using fresh
2 lemongrass, bruised
2 cm fresh ginger, bruised
Place everything into your rice cooker, stir once awhile during cooking. Once rice cooker shows its cooked, turn off your rice cooker, discard spices and steam rice to make sure its cooked well.
Normally this rice plate is served with salad (of cucumber, sweet basil leaves, tomato, and cabbage), hot sauce (sambal), peanut sauce (bumbu kacang), and spicy peanut sauce (sambal kacang). The one on the picture is only with spicy peanut sauce (recipe below)

Fried Chicken:
1 kg chicken pieces
turmeric (fresh or powder)
garlic (fresh is best)
half of an onion (shallots would be best, but onion is fine)
Make paste of onion, garlic, and turmeric. Season with salt.
Dissolve paste in 1/4 c water and coat chicken evenly
1 tomato
1/4 tsp of hard shrimp paste (available at Asian store, omit if you cannot find)
5 bird eye chilies
4 shallots
salt and sugar to taste
Mix and grind everything (using pestle and mortar gives better result than grinder/processor) into fine sauce
Sambal Kacang:
150 g peanuts, fry, crush/chopped finely
10 bird eye chilies
2 tbsp vinegar
salt to taste (or seasoning such as Vegeta, Royco, Masako – available at Asian stores, European stores and/or online)
2 tbsp palm sugar (or regular white sugar is fine. you can also use brown sugar)
enough chicken broth
Into a food processor, process peanuts, salt and sugar until fine paste
Put mixture into a pot and add in enough chicken broth
Bring to boil to thicken

Omelet Strips:
5 eggs
salt to taste
Beat eggs and salt, make omelet
Once cooked, sliced into strips
Serve fragrant rice with chicken, salad, sauces, and omelet strips. If you have fried onion, sprinkle them on rice.
Enjoy ๐
Nasi Uduk Komplit
- 300 g rice
- 400 ml coconut milk
- 2 mace
- 6 cloves
- 5 cm cinnamon stick
- 1 nutmeg crushed
- 3 cm fresh or dried galangal bruised if using fresh
- 2 lemongrass bruised
- 2 cm fresh ginger bruised
Fried Chicken
- 1 kg chicken pieces
- salt
- turmeric fresh or powder
- garlic fresh is best
- half of an onion shallots would be best, but onion is fine
Hot Sauce (Sambal)
- 1 to mato
- 1/4 tsp of hard shrimp paste available at Asian store, omit if you cannot find
- 5 bird eye chilies
- 4 shallots
- salt and sugar to taste
Peanut Sauce
- 150 g peanuts fry, crush/chopped finely
- 10 bird eye chilies
- 2 tbsp vinegar
- salt to taste or seasoning such as Vegeta, Royco, Masako – available at Asian stores, European stores and/or online
- 2 tbsp palm sugar or regular white sugar is fine. you can also use brown sugar
- enough chicken broth
- 5 eggs
- salt to taste
- Place everything into your rice cooker, stir once awhile during cooking. Once rice cooker shows its cooked, turn off your rice cooker, discard spices and steam rice to make sure its cooked well.
Fried Chicken
- Make paste of onion, garlic, and turmeric. Season with salt.
- Dissolve paste in 1/4 c water and coat chicken evenly
- Fry
- Mix and grind everything (using pestle and mortar gives better result than grinder/processor) into fine sauce
Peanut Sauce
- Into a food processor, process peanuts, salt and sugar until fine paste
- Put mixture into a pot and add in enough chicken broth
- Bring to boil to thicken
- Beat eggs and salt, make omelet
- Once cooked, sliced into strips
- Serve fragrant rice with chicken, salad, sauces, and omelet strips. If you have fried onion, sprinkle them on rice.
- Enjoy ๐

300 gram beras putih
400 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa
2 buah bunga pala
6 biji cengkih
5 cm kayu manis
1 biji pala memarkan
3 cm lengkuas memarkan (aku pake lengkuas kering)
2 batang serai memarkan
2 cm jahe memarkan
Pelengkap :
Sambel kacang: 150 gram kacang tanah goreng, haluskan, 10 cabai rawit merah, haluskan, 2 sdm cuka masak, garam dan bumbu penyedap secukupnya, didihkan hingga mengental.
Bumbu kacang : 250 gram kacang tanah goreng dan haluskan 1 sdt garam dan 2 sdm gula merah dan air sisa merebus ayam, didihkan hingga mengental.
Bawang goreng
Beras putih cuci bersih rendam selama 30 menit, tiriskan dan kukus selama 30 menit, angkat.
Sementara didihkan santan, masukkan bunga pala, cengkih, kayu manis, pala, lengkuas, serai dan jahe. Masak hingga santan harum saring.
Campur beras yang dikukus dengan santan panas tanpa api “ARON DARAT” aduk rata hingga seluruh santan dihisap beras.
Kukus selama 30 menit hingga 1 jam, hingga nasi lunak, angkat.
Sajikan hangat dengan sambel kacang, bawang goreng dan aneka gorengan ayam, empal, usus, tahu tempe dan sate udang.
Untuk : 6 orang
CATATAN: Kalo aku langsung kumasak di rice cooker, sesekali diaduk. Setelah matang, untuk memastikan semua bumbu teraduk rata dan nasi benar-benar tanak, baru aku kukus. Bumbu kacang yang kupake, bumbu kacang beli ditoko. Pelengkap yang kupake, ayam goreng bumbu kunir, telur dadar iris, sambal tomat dan lalapan.
Resep oleh indosiar – Aroma