A plate of yumsum ๐
500-600 g ground turkey
1/2 of 1 onion, very finely diced
1 tbsp fried garlic, store bought
1 tbsp bread crumbs
1 tbsp Hungarian Vegeta seasoning (or other seasoning powder you have)
1 egg
1-2 tsp ground black pepper
1 spring onion, very thinly sliced
3 tbsp vegetable oil
mozzarella cheese, as needed
Any kinds of lettuce you prefer
grated of parmesan cheese
1 Hungarian hot pepper (capsicum), slice thinly
cucumber dressing

Cucumber Dressing
1 large/long cucumber, skinned
4-5 tbsp yogurt
2 tbsp sour cream
salt and lime juice as needed
2 tbsp Shawarma garlic sauce
Mix all ingredients, get about a handfull of mixture, slightly pat, place a slice of cheese on top and then get another handul of mixture and top cheese with it.
Fry burger on non stick skillet (you can of course BBQ it or oven grill it) without oil.
Serve with salad top with grated parmesan and cucumber dressing
Cucumber Dressing
Mix everything in a bow, and grate in the cucumber, chill before serving
Turkey Burger & Cucumber Salad
- 500-600 g ground turkey
- 1/2 of 1 onion very finely diced
- 1 tbsp fried garlic store bought
- 1 tbsp bread crumbs
- 1 tbsp Hungarian Vegeta seasoning or other seasoning powder you have
- 1 egg
- 1-2 tsp ground black pepper
- 1 spring onion very thinly sliced
- 3 tbsp vegetable oil
- mozzarella cheese as needed
- Any kinds of lettuce you prefer
- grated of parmesan cheese
- 1 Hungarian hot pepper capsicum, slice thinly
- cucumber dressing (see below)
Cucumber Dressing
- 1 large/long cucumber skinned
- 4-5 tbsp yogurt
- 2 tbsp sour cream
- salt and lime juice as needed
- 2 tbsp Shawarma garlic sauce
- Mix all ingredients, get about a handful of mixture, slightly pat, place a slice of cheese on top and then get another handful of mixture and top cheese with it.
- Fry burger on non stick skillet (you can of course BBQ it or oven grill it) without oil.
- Serve with salad top with grated parmesan and cucumber dressing
- Mix everything in a bow, and grate in the cucumber, chill before serving

Burger ayam kalkun ini enaaaak deh, temans ๐ Dicoba yuuuuk ๐
500-600 g daging ayam kalkun cincang
1 sdm bawang putih goreng siap pakai
1 sdm Hungarian Vegeta seasoning (ganti Royco atau penyedap lainnya juga boleh)
1-2 sdt merica bubuk hitam
1 telur
1 daun bawang/bawang prey, iris super tipis
1 sdm tepung roti/panis (bread crumbs)
3 sdm minyak goreng
keju mozzarella, secukupnya, iris tipis
sayuran salad kesukaan Anda
parutan keju parmesan
saus mentimun
Saus Mentimun (Ketimun/Timun)
1 timun super besar/panjang
4-5 sdm yogurt
2 sdm sour cream
2 sdm saus bawang putih buat Shawarma (homemade gampang banget, blender bawang putih dengan sedikit minyak olive dan sedikit air jeruk hingga super lembut kayak yogurt gitu, diamkan di kulkas beberapa hari)
garam secukupnya
air jeruk nipis siap pakai secukupnya
Cara Membuat
Campur semua bahan jadi satu
Ambil 1 genggam penuh, pipihkan sedikit, beri keju, ambil satu genggam adonan kembali dan taruh diatas keju tersebut, rapatkan
Masak burger pada telfon anti lengket tanpa minyak goreng di api sedang hingga matang
Sajikan dengan salad yang ditaburi parutan keju parmesan serta saus mentimun
Saus Mentimun: campur semua bahan jadi satu, parut timun kedalamnya, aduk rata, dinginkan sebelum disajikan