These Chinese-influenced Indonesian snacks are called sumpia, and are most of the times filled with chicken floss and/or beef floss, known as abon, and they are so wonderful that you won’t realize that you could finish the whole package/jar yourself just by one sitting ๐
Chicken and beef floss are not available in Canada, but pork floss. You can either use pork floss or fill as you wish! (with ground chicken etc). As for mine below, they are filled with salmon ๐

3 cans of salmon rose @ 213 g
1 1/2 tbsp store bought lime juice
5 kafir lime leaves
4 daun salam (you can subs this with bay leaf but use only 2. Daun salam is Indonesian bay leaf but lesser strong, so they don’t really overwhelm flavor, unlike bay leaf. Daun salam is available at Asian stores or online)
100 g chopped purple/red onion
50 g chopped yellow/sweet onion
1 tbsp store bought ready to use fried garlic
1 tbsp store bought ready to use minced garlic
1 1/2 tbsp coriander seeds
1 tbsp lemongrass powder (available at Asian/health food stores or online)
6 cm frozen galangal (available at Asian/health food stores), rinse in hot water
a thumb of tamarind (not the fresh one, but compressed tamarind seeds and pulps, for cooking. Available at Asian stores or online), soak in 3 tbsp hot water
2 tsp sugar, or to taste (or 2 sachets of Splenda sweetener)
400 ml coconut milk
salt to taste
a tbsp of cooking oil

Drain water from salmon, and place salmon into t-fal (no stick) pan. Sprinkle salmon with lime juice and fry until dry, set aside
Make paste of spices along with daun salam and kafir lime leaves.
Pour coconut milk into a pot and add in spice paste, bring to boil
Add in salmon and stir well
Pour in tamarind water, stir well
Lower heat and cook until mixture is soaked up and dry, stirring occasionally.
Once mixture is dried, add in at least a tbsp of cooking oil (2 max). Stir and continue cooking until mixture is dry again
Take off from heat and let cool to room temperature. Your filling is ready ๐ I actually like eating the filling as is, or on toast or warm rice haha.
Skin and “Glue”
1 package of spring roll skins
tapioca/sago pearl (tapioca/sago flour)
enough water
enough oil for frying
Now, a little note. The glue should be made of sago flour, but since it is rarely available at Asian stores, I made do with sago pearl ๐ If you can find tapioca flour or tapioca pearl, they would work too OR simply just water actually.

Bring sago pearl and water to boil and cook until it became paste. You wont need a lot of pearls nor water, just enough. Cool to room temperature.
If you are using the flour, just add warm water to it instead boiling.
But if you cannot find any of pearls nor flours, water would do.
Slice/cut spring roll skins into quarters as shown on picture
Take one spring roll and place a tsp filling as shown on picture
Dab glue all around outer sides of the skin

Fold forward the end side, then fold in left and right side, then roll close the skin
Repeat steps until all skins and filling are used up
Heat enough oil and fry sumpia until golden brown
Enjoy ๐
NOTE: Wet filling (cooked meat/chicken/fish) are definitely different to dry filling (chicken floss, beef floss, pork floss). While floss filled sumpia can be stored in jars/containers and would stay crunchy, wet filling would make sumpia soggy if stored in plastic container such as Tupperware. Need not to worry! Place sumpia on baking sheet and broil a little. Your sumpia will be crunchy again ๐
- 3 cans of salmon rose @ 213 g
- 1 1/2 tbsp store bought lime juice
- 5 kafir lime leaves
- 4 daun salam you can subs this with bay leaf but use only 2. Daun salam is Indonesian bay leaf but lesser strong, so they don’t really overwhelm flavor, unlike bay leaf. Daun salam is available at Asian stores or online
- 100 g chopped purple/red onion
- 50 g chopped yellow/sweet onion
- 1 tbsp store bought ready to use fried garlic
- 1 tbsp store bought ready to use minced garlic
- 1 1/2 tbsp coriander seeds
- 1 tbsp lemongrass powder available at Asian/health food stores or online
- 6 cm frozen galangal available at Asian/health food stores, rinse in hot water
- a thumb of tamarind not the fresh one, but compressed tamarind seeds and pulps, for cooking. Available at Asian stores or online, soak in 3 tbsp hot water
- 2 tsp sugar or to taste (or 2 sachets of Splenda sweetener)
- 400 ml coconut milk
- salt to taste
- a tbsp of cooking oil
- 1 package of spring roll skins
- tapioca/sago pearl tapioca/sago flour
- enough water
- enough oil for frying
- Drain water from salmon, and place salmon into t-fal (no stick) pan. Sprinkle salmon with lime juice and fry until dry, set aside
- Make paste of spices along with daun salam and kafir lime leaves.
- Pour coconut milk into a pot and add in spice paste, bring to boil
- Add in salmon and stir well
- Pour in tamarind water, stir well
- Lower heat and cook until mixture is soaked up and dry, stirring occasionally.
- Once mixture is dried, add in at least a tbsp of cooking oil (2 max). Stir and continue cooking until mixture is dry again
- Take off from heat and let cool to room temperature. Your filling is ready ๐ I actually like eating the filling as is, or on toast or warm rice haha.
- Now, a little note. The glue should be made of sago flour, but since it is rarely available at Asian stores, I made do with sago pearl ๐ If you can find tapioca flour or tapioca pearl, they would work too OR simply just water actually.
- Bring sago pearl and water to boil and cook until it became paste. You wont need a lot of pearls nor water, just enough. Cool to room temperature.
- If you are using the flour, just add warm water to it instead boiling.
- But if you cannot find any of pearls nor flours, water would do.
- Slice/cut spring roll skins into quarters as shown on picture
- Take one spring roll and place a tsp filling as shown on picture
- Dab glue all around outer sides of the skin
- Fold forward the end side, then fold in left and right side, then roll close the skin
- Repeat steps until all skins and filling are used up
- Heat enough oil and fry sumpia until golden brown

Saat buat sumpia ini, saya sajikan hari itu juga karena ada kumpul-kumpul. Sisa dari sumpia cuman 1 lepek (piring kecil), dan saya masukkan container. Sayangnya keesokan harinya saya buka, jadinya soggy, lembek, tidak seperti hari pertama yang kres-kres kriuk-kriuk renyah. Saya akalin dengan memanggang di oven pakai api atas, sebentar aja, sudah kriuk-kriuk kembali.
Saya rasa ini dikarenakan abon ikan tidak sekering selayaknya abon sapi ataupun abon ayam. Bahan-bahan yang saya pun, seadanya di dapur, karena kepepet. Lumayanlah buat yang ga tinggal di Indonesia dan kangen sumpia ๐
Abon Ikan:
3 kaleng salmon rose @ 213 g
1 1/2 sdm air jeruk nipis siap pakai
5 lembar daun jeruk purut
4 lembar daun salam
100 g bawang bombay merah/ungu
50 g bawang bombay
1 sdm bawang putih goreng siap pakai
1 sdm bawang putih cincang siap pakai
1 1/2 sdm ketumbar
1 sdm serai bubuk
6 cm laos beku, cuci dengan air panas sebentar
1/4 bagian dari 1 kotak asam; dari 1/4 tersebut ambil setengahnya saja, larutkan dengan 3 sdm air panas
2 sachet splenda sweetener (ganti gula jika tidak ada)
1 kaleng santan siap pakai (400 ml)
secukupnya garam
secukupnya minyak goreng (untuk langkah akhir)
1 bungkus kulit spring roll
secukupnya minyak goreng, untuk menggoreng sumpia
biji mutiara/delima (tapioca pearl)
secukupnya air
abon ikan
Buang air dari ikan salmon, taruh pada telfon anti lengket, beri air jeruk nipis, tumis hingga kering, sisihkan
Haluskan kasar bumbu-bumbu berserta daun salam dan daun jeruk, didihkan beserta santan, masukkan ikan, aduk rata. Tuangkan air asam, aduk rata.
Masak pada api kecil hingga kering, sambil sesekali diaduk
Jika sudah mengering, beri sedikit minyak goreng, aduk rata dan masak kembali hingga kering kembali. Angkat, dinginkan
Didihkan tapioca pearl hingga menjadi bubur kanji, angkat dari kompor, dinginkan sebentar pada suhu ruangan
Belah kulit spring roll menjadi 4 bagian
Ambil kulit spring roll, beri “lem” sekelilingnya dengan bubur kanji, taruh abon ikan ditengahnya, gulung. Ulangi hingga semua abon ikan terpakai
Panaskan minyak secukupnya, goreng sumpia hingga kecoklatan