A recipe I tried from one of the Hungarian cook books I have at home lol
The original recipe is using pork tho, instead ground beef.
You can serve the soup as is, with a slice of bread and/or with pasta (any kinds of pasta, well except lasagna haha I served mine with macaroni 🙂

400 g ground meat (beef or pork, whichever you prefer)
1 egg
4 generous tbsp either half cooked or fully cooked rice
1-2 tsp sliced/chopped onion
a pinch of salt and pepper
1 jar sauerkraut (30 oz), drain but reserve water
1/2 of an onion, sliced
2 tbsp oil
1 heaping tbsp flour
1/2 tbsp sweet paprika powder
1 c sour cream

Meatballs: Mix all ingredients and with wet hands form balls, place on a plate, set aside
Broth: Into a pot, add in drained sauerkraut and 2 L of water and half jar of the pickled water. Heat oil, saute onion until fragrant then add in flour an paprika, stir to combine. Add onion mixture into the pot and stir to combine.
Drop balls into the pot and cook in low-medium heat until meatballs are cooked.
Serve warm topped with sour cream
Enjoy 🙂
Kaposztaleves Husgomboccal
- 400 g ground meat beef or pork, whichever you prefer
- 1 egg
- 4 generous tbsp either half cooked or fully cooked rice
- 1-2 tsp sliced/chopped onion
- a pinch of salt and pepper
- 1 jar sauerkraut 30 oz, drain but reserve water
- 1/2 of an onion sliced
- 2 tbsp oil
- 1 heaping tbsp flour
- 1/2 tbsp sweet paprika powder
- 1 c sour cream
- Mix all ingredients and with wet hands form balls, place on a plate, set aside
- Into a pot, add in drained sauerkraut and 2 L of water and half jar of the pickled water. Heat oil, saute onion until fragrant then add in flour an paprika, stir to combine. Add onion mixture into the pot and stir to combine.
- Drop balls into the pot and cook in low-medium heat until meatballs are cooked.
- Serve warm topped with sour cream

Magyar Forditas
HOZZÁVALÓK: a húsgombóchoz 40 dkg da¬rált sertéshús, 1 tojás, 4 csapott evőkanál félig főtt rizs, 1 kiskanál reszelt vöröshagyma, só, törött bors; a leveshez 30 dkg savanyú káposzta (egy kis káposztálé), egy fél fej vöröshagyma, 2 evőkanál olaj, 1 csapott evőkanál liszt, egy csapott mokkáskanál pirospaprika, 1 dl tejföl.
A káposztát két liter vízben, egy kevés káposz¬talével megfőzzük, majd az olajból a liszttel, a pirospaprikával készített, hagymás rántással be¬sűrítjük. Közben összegyúrjuk a húsgombóc¬hoz valókat, és vizes kézzel apró gombócokat formázva a kész levesbe főzzük. Lassú tűzön 20 percig forraljuk, és megtejfölözve tálaljuk