This Indonesian dish is known as Ayam Ingkung.
You can use chicken pieces instead of whole chicken, and you can make it spicy by adding a couple of bird eye chilies while making the paste. Serve it with warm rice, cauliflower “rice”, cubed it for salad, shredded it for quesadillas, and great with mashed potatoes and green beans too.

Spice Paste
2 large onions
1 tbsp ready to use minced garlic
2 tbsp coriander seeds
6 candlenuts (no subs. Available at Asian stores or online)
1/2 tsp cumin, toasted (dry fry on non stick pan)
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp tamarind pulp
1 scant tbsp lemon grass powder
1 thumb lesser galangal (most of them times they are available in powder form here in Canada, use about 1/2 – 1 tsp. If you cannot find it still, just use Chinese key root/finger root)
3 thumbs fresh turmeric (or 1 heaping tsp of turmeric powder)
salt to taste
Process all ingredients in food processor into a fine paste (I love using my traditional pestle and mortar tho :))

Grilled Chicken
1 whole chicken, about 1.7 kg
2 tbsp tamarind pulp (about 1/4 of a block), soak in 1/4 hot water
cooking oil, as needed
5 kafir lime leaves (available at Asian stores or online)
3 Indonesian bay leaves (daun salam, available at Asian stores or online)
2 cans coconut milk (800 ml)
Coat chicken outside and inside the cavity with tamarind water, let stand for half H

Heat oil (like 3 tbsp) and saute spice paste until fragrant, in a large cooking pan
Add in chicken and coat with paste
Pour in 1 can coconut milk and cook until half way done, covered
Pour in the last can and cook until coconut gravy is almost gone. Once awhile, spoon gravy all over chicken
Take out chicken off pan and place on grilling rack (or turkey pan with a grilling rack)
Bake on 350 F for 35 minutes then broil/grill for a bit
Enjoy 🙂

Ayam Ingkung (Grilled Chicken in Coconut Gravy)
Spice Paste
- 2 large onions
- 1 tbsp ready to use minced garlice
- 2 tbsp coriander seeds
- 6 candlenuts no subs. Available at Asian stores or online
- 1/2 tsp cumin toasted (dry fry on non stick pan)
- 1 tbsp brown sugar
- 1 tsp tamarind pulp
- 1 scant tbsp lemon grass powder
- 1 thumb lesser galangal most of them times they are available in powder form here in Canada, use about 1/2 – 1 tsp. If you cannot find it still, just use Chinese key root/finger root
- 3 thumbs fresh turmeric or 1 heaping tsp of turmeric powder
- salt to taste
Grilled Chicken
- 1 whole chicken about 1.7 kg
- 2 tbsp tamarind pulp about 1/4 of a block, soak in 1/4 hot water
- cooking oil as needed
- 5 kafir lime leaves available at Asian stores or online
- 3 Indonesian bay leaves daun salam, available at Asian stores or online
- 2 cans coconut milk 800 ml
Spice Paste
- Process all ingredients in food processor into a fine paste (I love using my traditional pestle and mortar tho :))
Grilled Chicken
- Coat chicken outside and inside the cavity with tamarind water, let stand for half H
- Heat oil (like 3 tbsp) and saute spice paste until fragrant, in a large cooking pan
- Add in chicken and coat with paste
- Pour in 1 can coconut milk and cook until half way done, covered
- Pour in the last can and cook until coconut gravy is almost gone. Once awhile, spoon gravy all over chicken
- Take out chicken off pan and place on grilling rack (or turkey pan with a grilling rack)
- Bake on 350 F for 35 minutes then broil/grill for a bit
- Enjoy 🙂

Ayam Ingkung
Waktu kecil pernah makan ayam ini di Kalimantan Selatan; aslinya sih ga tau dari mana nih masakan. Tahun 2006 kemarin, pas berkunjung ke rumah anak angkat ortu, disajiin sama ipar ayam ingkung ini. Minta resepnya ga pernah dikasih hihihi sedih deh. Untungnya ada buku resepnya Sisca Susanto, jadi deh bisa bikin ayam ingkung sendiri. Tak rubah dikit menyesuaikan bahan yang ada dirumah.
1 ekor ayam (ayamku beratnya 1,7 kg)
2 sdm air asam jawa (aku motong 1/4 dari 1 kotak asam, terus air panasnya 1/4 gelas)
minyak goreng secukupnya
5 lembar daun jeruk
3 lembar daun salam
2 batang serai, memarkan (aku pake serai bubuk, 1 sdm tidak penuh, kucampurkan kedalam bumbu halus saat mengulek)
500 cc santan encer (aku pake santan kaleng, 800 ml, untuk mengganti 500 cc encer dan 500 cc kental)
500 cc santan kental
Bumbu yang dihaluskan :
- 10 buah bawang merah (aku pake 2 bawang bombay ukuran besar)
- 5 siung bawang putih (aku pake 1 sdm penuh bawan putih cincang siap pakai)
- 2 sdm ketumbar
- 6 buah kemiri
- 1/2 sdt jintan, sangrai
- 1 sdm gula merah (aku ga pake)
- 1 sdt asam jawa (aku ga pake)
- 1 ruas kencur (aku ganti sama temu kunci – fingerroot/chinese key root)
- 3 ruas kunyit
- 2 sdt garam (aku pake secukupnya)
Cara membuat:
- Lumuri ayam dengan air asam jawa hingga rata. biarkan selama ± 30 menit.
- Panaskan minyak 3 sdm minyak (aku secukupnya doang), tumis bumbu halus hingga harum. Masukkan ayam (aku masukkan juga bersamaan sisa-sisa asam dan air rendamannya). aduk rata. Tuangi san¬tan encer, biarkan hingga ayam setengah matang. (aku tuangkan 1 kaleng tersebut diatas)
- Tuangkan santan kental (aku tuangkan 1 kaleng lagi), aduk-aduk sedikit hingga santan mengeluarkan minyak (aku masak hingga santan berkurang/hampir habis; sesekali ambil pakai sendok sayur dan siramkan ke atas bagian ayam). Angkat. Letakkan ayam dalam pinggan tahan panas yang telah diolesi minyak. Panggang hingga matang dan berwarna kecokelatan. Angkat. (aku masak di oven 350 F untuk 35 menit; matikan api, nyalakan grill/broiler, dan panggang hingga kecoklatan)