Curry powder is actually pretty easy to make and you would know how fresh the spices you use instead grabbing a bag from the store!
You can use curry powder not just for curried beef or chicken, but also to flavor coconut milk soup.
Next time I will post some of my recipes using curry powder 😀
For now, let me share the recipe how I made my curry powder 😉

- 2 tablespoons whole cumin seeds + 2 tablespoons whole coriander seeds, toasted, toasted
- 2 tablespoons cardamom powder (ground cardamom), toasted
- 1/4 cup turmeric powder
- 1 tablespoon mustard powder
- 1 teaspoon chili powder (cayenne)
- Using your coffee/spices grinder, ground finely toasted cumin and coriander
- In a jar, mix in whole ingredients, cover the lid, shake
- Use as required in recipes
Curry Powder
- 2 tablespoons whole cumin seeds + 2 tablespoons whole coriander seeds toasted, toasted
- 2 tablespoons cardamom powder ground cardamom, toasted
- 1/4 cup turmeric powder
- 1 tablespoon mustard powder
- 1 teaspoon chili powder cayenne
- Using your coffee/spices grinder, ground finely toasted cumin and coriander
- In a jar, mix in whole ingredients, cover the lid, shake
- Use as required in recipes

Bahasa Indonesia – Cara Membuat Bubuk Kari
Bubuk Kari mudah sekali loh buatnya dan lebih segar dibanding beli di toko, karena kita sendiri yang mengolahnya 😉 Bubuk kari bisa dipakai tidak saja untuk membuar kari daging ataupun kari ayam, tetapi juga bisa buat sop/sayur bersantan.
Besok-besok akan saya bagi resep-resep masakan saya yang menggunakan bubuk kari 😀
Untuk saat ini, saya hanya membagi cara saya membuat bubuk kari dulu yah 😉
2 sdm jintan utuh
2 sdm ketumbar utuh
2 sdm bubuk kapulaga
1/4 gelas belimbing kunir bubuk
1 sdm bubuk mustar
1 sdt bubuk cabai
cara membuat
goreng kering jintah utuh serta ketumbar utuh
haluskan beserta bahan lainnya (lebih cepat jika punya alat pembuat kopi bubuk!)
jadi deh 😀