My oldest sister’s recipe My mom and my oldest sisters are awesome in baking cookies, make me miss home whenever Idul Fitri is here. I miss their cookies
Unfortunately my father typed the recipe among other cookie recipes and copy pasted each pictures in small size. Most likely so that the email would send. He used his workplace email, limited size for sending and receiving attachment and whatnot hahahha

250 gr pineapple, remove the hard center part, grate
2 cloves
2 cm cinnamon stick
100 gr sugar
¼ tsp salt
1½ tsp lime juice
100 gr butter
50 gr Wijsman butter (whipped butter, so creamy, sooo good)
1 tbsp margarine for brushing/greasing
50 gr icing sugar
1 yolk
10 gr milk powder
200 gr flour
2 yolks
¼ tsp water
a. Mix pineapple, clove, cinnamon stick into a pot. Cook on low heat, stirring often until bubbly. Add in sugar and salt. Cook until liquid gone. Just before taking off from heat, stir in lime juice. Let it cool to room temperature.
b. Beat icing sugar, butter and Wijsman until creamy and pale. Beat in egg, add in milk powder and flour. Stir to combine until mixture forms a nice dough.
c. Roll dough to 2 mm in thickness, slice into portions. Place filling in center, then shape dough into rounds or leaf shape or however you wish.
d. Place cookies on margarine-greased cookie sheet. Brush top with topping. Bake at 150 F C for 25 mins. Let cool completely on sheet.
- 250 gr pineapple remove the hard center part, grate
- 2 cloves
- 2 cm cinnamon stick
- 100 gr sugar
- ¼ tsp salt
- 1½ tsp lime juice
- 100 gr butter
- 50 gr Wijsman butter whipped butter, so creamy, sooo good
- 1 tbsp margarine for brushing/greasing
- 50 gr icing sugar
- 1 yolk
- 10 gr milk powder
- 200 gr flour
- 2 yolks
- ¼ tsp water
- Mix pineapple, clove, cinnamon stick into a pot. Cook on low heat, stirring often until bubbly. Add in sugar and salt. Cook until liquid gone. Just before taking off from heat, stir in lime juice. Let it cool to room temperature.
- Beat icing sugar, butter and Wijsman until creamy and pale. Beat in egg, add in milk powder and flour. Stir to combine until mixture forms a nice dough.
- Roll dough to 2 mm in thickness, slice into portions. Place filling in center, then shape dough into rounds or leaf shape or however you wish.
- Place cookies on margarin-greased cookie sheet. Brush top with topping. Bake at 150 F C for 25 mins. Let cool completely on sheet.

Resep kirimin mbak ku
Bahan Isi:
250 gr nanas, buang tengahnya, parut
2 btr cengkeh
2 cm kayu manis
100 gr gula pasir
¼ sdt garam
1½ sdt air jeruk nipis
Bahan Kulit:
100 gr mentega
50 gr butter cream
1 sdm margarin untuk olesan
50 gr gula halus
1 btr kuning telur
10 gr susu bubuk
200 gr tepung terigu
2 btr kuning telur
¼ sdt air
Cara membuat:
a. Isi: masukkan nanas, cengkeh, & kayu manis ke dlm panci saus. Masak dgn api kecil sambil diaduk hingga meletup. Masukkan gula & garam. Masak sambil tetap diaduk hingga cairan mengering. Sesaat sebelum diangkat, tambahkan air jeruk, aduk rata. Angkat & biarkan dingin, sisihkan.
b. Kulit: kocok gula & mentega hingga lembut & putih. Masukkan telur sambil terus dikocok. Tambahkan susu bubuk & tepung terigu, aduk-aduk hingga adonan kalis & tdk menggumpal serta mudah dibentuk
c. Taruh adonan diatas meja yg dilapisi plastik lalu gilas setebal 2mm. Kemudian bentuk adonan seperti daun. Beri ½ sendok teh isian pd sisi yg tipis, bentuk daun. Lakukan hingga adonan habis
d. Susun nastar dlm loyang persegi yg sudah diolesi margarin. Olesin bagian atasnya dgn campuran kuning telur & air. Panggang dlm oven 150º C selama 25 menit hingga renyah berwana kuning keemasan. Biarkan dingin sebelum dikeluarkan dr loyang.