Love these cookies too much!
I made them using recipe I found on a Hungarian cooking book, which I will be including below 😀
I coated them differently, some just with melted chocolate drizzled, while the others totally coated in two differ flavors of melted chocolate 😀

300 g flour
50 g ground almond
50 g ground peanuts
100 g margarine or butter
4 tbsp instant coffee granule
a pinch of salt

Mix 50 ml hot boiling water into coffee, stir to mix, cool to room temperature then beat until smooth with margarine.
Mix everything and knead, wrap with aluminum foil and refrigerate for an hour before proceeding
Shape dough into log and slice into portions
Roll each portion into ropes and cut each rope for 5 cm each
Bend these ropes into crescent shape as shown on last picture
Bake on preheated 350 F for 8-10 minutes, let cool to room temperature
100 g dark chocolate
100 g semi sweet chocolate
100 g white chocolate
1-2 tsp mocha coffee paste (I used L’arome brand, available online)
100 g margarine/butter, divide into three portions
Crushed/chopped toasted pistachio, as needed
Icing sugar, for sprinkling, as needed,
Ground/chopped almond/peanuts, as needed
Melt each chocolate separately, dark choc with margarine, white choc with margarine and coffee paste, semi sweet choc with margarine.
Dip, drizzle, decorate cookies with each chocolate and sprinkle with nuts and icing sugar

Mokkás/Kapucsinos Kifli (Hungarian Crescent Cookies)
- 300 g flour
- 50 g ground almond
- 50 g ground peanuts
- 100 g margarine or butter
- 4 tbsp instant coffee granule
- a pinch of salt
- 100 g dark chocolate
- 100 g semi sweet chocolate
- 100 g white chocolate
- 1-2 tsp mocha coffee paste I used L’arome brand, available online
- 100 g margarine/butter divide into three portions
- Crushed/chopped toasted pistachio as needed
- Icing sugar for sprinkling, as needed,
- Ground/chopped almond/peanuts as needed
- Mix 50 ml hot boiling water into coffee, stir to mix, cool to room temperature then beat until smooth with margarine.
- Mix everything and knead, wrap with aluminum foil and refrigerate for an hour before proceeding
- Shape dough into log and slice into portions
- Roll each portion into ropes and cut each rope for 5 cm each
- Bend these ropes into crescent shape as shown on last picture
- Bake on preheated 350 F for 8-10 minutes, let cool to room temperature
- Melt each chocolate separately, dark choc with margarine, white choc with margarine and coffee paste, semi sweet choc with margarine.
- Dip, drizzle, decorate cookies with each chocolate and sprinkle with nuts and icing sugar

Magyar Forditas
4 evokanal kapucsinopor
30 dkg liszt
5-5 dkg daralt mandula es mogyoro
10 dkg cukor
csipetnyi so
20 dkg vaj
10 dkg etcsokis tortabevono
7-7 dkg cukorka, felapritott pisztacia es mandula
A kapucsinoport 1/2 dl forrasban levo vizben feloldjuk, majd hagyjuk kihulni. A lisztet egy nagyobb talban osszekeverjuk a daralt mogyoroval es mandulaval, a cukorral es a soval. A robotgep gyuropalcajaval beledolgozzuk a feldarabolt vajat es a kihult kapucsinot, majd hideg kezzel gyorsan osszegyurjuk.
Folpackba csomagolva 1 orara hutobe rakjuk, majd vastag rudat formalunk belole, es 40 egyforma darabra vagjuk. Mindegyiket 5 cm hosszura sodorjuk, kiflive hajtjuk es ket, sutopapirral kibelelt tepsibe fektetjuk.
Elomelegitett sutoben 200 C-on tepsikent 10-12 perc alatt megsutjuk. Racsra szedjuk es hulni hagyjuk.
A tortabevonot a szokott modon megolvasztjuk. A kifliket a bevonoval megkenjuk, majd a cukorkaval, a mandulaval es a pisztaciaval megszorjuk. Szaradni hagyjuk.