My friend and her husband invited us to their wedding anniversary dinner and they treated us at a nice Thai restaurant called Thai Pot (Montreal, Canada).

The ambiance was nice, the foods were great, and obviously we were a bunch of fun people, so the dinner was superb 😉
There were 6 couples that night and one of my girlfriends brought along her son too, it was a big table for sure 😀

I don’t remember any name of the dishes ordered though, sorry, so I will just share the pictures that my husband and I took, and maybe you can identify them if you are familiar with Thai food?

I do know that we got sticky rice and mango as the dessert at the end of our meal 😀 But yeah I forgot to take a single shot for it, however it is shown on the second picture above!

It was a good night and I wish the couple many more happy returns <3

Thai Pot
404 Gilford Rue