We were invited to a lunch gathering at Agustin and Stefan’s. They live in Magog, just outside Montreal. I was so excited as I have never been to Magog before ๐ But also, gathering with friends is always fun, right ๐
The lunch was not pot luck style but I thought I’d prepare a pie and bring it over, and that pie was this ๐
Sour cherry pie, and yep, using the sour cherries T and I picked the other day ๐

And here is Agustin, slicing the pie for us to devour, with ice cream ๐

Filling Ingredients
4 c pitted sour cherries
1 c + 1/4 cu sugar
1/4 c all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder

- Mix ingredients in a pot
- Bring to boil then let simmer to soften and thicken, stirring occasionally
- Set aside to cool
Crust Ingredients
4 c whole wheat/all purpose flour
1 heaping tbsp of vinegar
1/4 c tap water
1 c + 1/2 c butter
1 whole egg

- Mix and knead all ingredients, divide into 2 and chill for an hour
- Roll a dough and place it on pie plate
- Pour enough filling
- Roll the other dough and lay it on filling, to cover, pressing edges tightly and make some slits for steam
- Bake at 425 F for 25 minutes, reduce heat to 350 F and bake for another 15-20 minutes
Serve as is or with ice cream ๐

Sour Cherry Pie
- 4 c pitted sour cherries
- 1 c + 1/4 cu sugar
- 1/4 c all purpose flour
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
- 4 c whole wheat/all purpose flour
- 1 heaping tbsp of vinegar
- 1/4 c tap water
- 1 c + 1/2 c butter
- 1 whole egg
- Mix ingredients in a pot
- Bring to boil then let simmer to soften and thicken, stirring occasionally
- Set aside to cool
- Mix and knead all ingredients, divide into 2 and chill for an hour
- Roll a dough and place it on pie plate
- Pour enough filling
- Roll the other dough and lay it on filling, to cover, pressing edges tightly and make some slits for steam
- Bake at 425 F for 25 minutes, reduce heat to 350 F and bake for another 15-20 minutes

4 gelas buah cheri masam, buang bijinya
1 1/4 gelas gula pasir
1/4 gelas terigu
1/2 sdt kayu manis bubuk
Didihkan, masak hungga buah melunak dan cairan mengental, api sedang
4 gelas whole wheat (terigu biasa boleh)
1 sdm cuka makan
1/4 gelas air
1 1/2 gelas mentega
1 butir telur
Uleni, bagi dua
Gilas keduanya, letakkan satu di piring pai, sebagai dasar
Tuang isi, tutup atasnya dg kulit pai satu lagi
Tusuk garpu
Panggang di 425 F 25 menit, turunkan panas oven 350 F, pangang 25 menit
Sajikan dg es krim