For the love of cookies, these sticks are super good. Another recipe from my husband’s late grandmother that we like to make from time to time in this house. I believe you can subs lemon to lime or even orange, but lime is not that common to be used in baking in Hungary.

500 g AP flour
250 g butter
250 g icing sugar
4 yolks
1 envelope vanilla sugar (or vanilla powder, or vanilla essence, if you cannot find vanilla sugar)
1 tsp grated lemon skin
100 ml milk
200 g dark cooking chocolate
Mix flour and butter until crumbly, then add in icing sugar, yolks, plus vanilla sugar. Lastly, mix in grated lemon skin, and knead dough to a nice ball.

Roll flat dough for about 5-6 mm and slice into sticks (as shown on picture).
Brush each stick with milk (you can brush once its rolled flat or slice, however, it will be wet to the touch to separate the sticks).
Bake at 350 F for 8-10 minutes, cool to room temperature, either on cookie rack or the baking pan.

Melt DCC either on microwave or double boiler, with a little milk. Pour chocolate into a bottle, or parchment paper, or piping bag (even sandwich bag), snip the corner and splatter nicely all over cooled cookies (as shown on picture)
- 500 g flour
- 250 g unsalted butter
- 250 g powdered sugar
- 4 large yolks
- 1 envelope Dt. Oetker vanilla sugar try Wholeshale Canada store
- 1 tsp grated lemon skin
- 100 ml whole milk
- 200 g dark cooking chocolate you can use regular dark chocolate but cooking chocolate would dry nicely, so would be easy to touch
- Mix flour and butter until coarse texture
- Add in the rest of the ingredients, knead into a nice dough.
- Roll flat dough and slice into cookies
- Brush top cookies with milk
- Bake at preheated 350 F for 8-10 minutes, let cool completely before glazing.
- Melt chocolate with a little milk and drizzle all over cookies
- Wait chocolate to firm up before storing!

50 dkg liszt, 25 dkg vaj, 25 dkg porcukor, 4 tojássárgája, 1 csomag vaníliás cukor, 1 kiskanál reszelt citromhéj, kb. 1 dl tej, 20 dkg tortabevonó csokoládé
A lisztet a vajjal elmorzsoljuk. Hozzáadjuk a porcukrot, a tojások sárgáit, vaníliás cukorral és reszelt citromhéjjal ízesítjük, és jól formázható tésztává gyúrjuk. Lisztezett deszkán 5-6 mm vastagra nyújtjuk, és ujjnyi vastag, 8-10 cm hosszú rudacskákra vágjuk. A tésztadarabokat sütőpapírral bélelt tepsire sorakoztatjuk, majd tejjel megkenjük. A tepsit előmelegített sütőbe tesszük, 180 fokon 8-10 perc alatt aranysárgára sütjük.
A sütőből kivéve kihűtjük, majd szorosan egymás mellé tologatjuk a félkész süteményeket. A csokoládét pici tejjel hígítva felolvasztjuk, és szép vékony sugárban a süteményekre csorgatjuk