Back with date-night series 😀
My husband and I are huge fans of Vietnamese pho! So we always try to find new pho restaurants to try, doesn’t matter where we were at the given time. We do have our favorite in Ottawa Chinatown, but sometimes it’s nice to try a new place. Needless to say, once awhile we got disappointed as those new places could not hold a candle compare to our favorite place lol
We spotted Phnom Penh restaurant as we were shopping at a Middle Eastern grocery store nearby, and we decided to give it a try.
The menu was so mouth-watering!
They offered different meals compare to most of pho restaurants we’ve been too, and for once, I did not want to order a pho bowl! hahaha
Check this bowl I got. Soooooo good! Grilled satay noodle bowl!!! Goodness me 😀

This was my husband’s pho bowl. I did taste his and it was pretty good as well.

The provided sauces weren’t bad as well. Regular Sriracha hot sauce which obviously a must for pho, along with hoisin sauce, but also other hot sauce and soy sauce which most likely for other dishes but pho, and plus this salt in its shaker that isn’t totally salt. It seems to be mixed with chili powder and ground lemon skin perhaps, something citrus-y if that makes sense lol

If you happen to be in Ottawa, Canada, and would like to give this pho place a try, it is so easy to find as it is located right at the corner of Wellington and Sherbrooke!