Another favorited dish at our house is this chicken cabbage rolls. You don’t need any carbs for this dish (like potato or rice and whatnot). The dish is good as is 🙂 But of course, you can roll the cabbage square, or round, whichever you wish. I did mine as pictured as I thought it was rather nice to see different shape of cabbage rolls 😀

a dash of seasoned salt
2 chicken breasts, boneless and skinless
tomato paste (garlic flavor)
water (as needed)
a dash of cayenne pepper
a dash of Hungarian Vegeta Seasoning
mixed vegetables
a dash of ground white pepper
- Take cabbage leaves from the head
- Grind the chicken breasts using food processor, place it in a bowl and reserve 2 tbsp of it.
- Meanwhile steam the mixed vegetables until tender, set aside
- Add seasonings to the ground chicken and mix well
- Take some cabbage leaves and place about 1 1/2 tbsp of seasoned ground chicken in the middle and roll the cabbage (to make it more easier, you can steam the cabbage leaves first)
- Place it in a baking dish until all ground chicken gone.
- In the empty bowl, place the 2 tbsp of reserved ground chicken and mixed it with half small can of the tomato paste with a little bit of water then pour it all over the rolled filled cabbage
- Bake oven in 375 F for 45 minutes, until the cabbage went tender and chicken cooked thru
- On a serving plate, place the steamed mixed vegetables as desired, then place one cooked cabbage rolls on top of the mixed vegetables and pour a little bit of the chicken soup from the baking dish.
Chicken Cabbage Rolls
- Cabbage
- a dash of seasoned salt
- 2 chicken breasts boneless and skinless
- tomato paste garlic flavor
- water as needed
- a dash of cayenne pepper
- a dash of Hungarian Vegeta Seasoning
- mixed vegetables
- a dash of ground white pepper
- Take cabbage leaves from the head
- Grind the chicken breasts using food processor, place it in a bowl and reserve 2 tbsp of it.
- Meanwhile steam the mixed vegetables until tender, set aside
- Add seasonings to the ground chicken and mix well
- Take some cabbage leaves and place about 1 1/2 tbsp of seasoned ground chicken in the middle and roll the cabbage (to make it more easier, you can steam the cabbage leaves first)
- Place it in a baking dish until all ground chicken gone.
- In the empty bowl, place the 2 tbsp of reserved ground chicken and mixed it with half small can of the tomato paste with a little bit of water then pour it all over the rolled filled cabbage
- Bake oven in 375 F for 45 minutes, until the cabbage went tender and chicken cooked thru
- On a serving plate, place the steamed mixed vegetables as desired, then place one cooked cabbage rolls on top of the mixed vegetables and pour a little bit of the chicken soup from the baking dish.

Bahasa Indonesia – Ayam Bungkus Kubis
Biasanya sih, orang-orang ngebentuk kubis ini kotak atau bundar. Kali ini saya buat seperti difoto 🙂 Enak dimakan begitu saja, tanpa nasi ataupun kentang (kalau mau nasi atau kentang tentunya boleh lah :D)
Isinya bisa apapun yah, dari daging, ayam, kalkun, terserah Anda.
Selamat mencoba!

Kubis/kol utuh
garam perasa (di Kanada ada garam rasa jeruk, rasa bawang putih dll)
2 buah dada ayam tanpa tulang tanpa kulit
1/2 kaleng kecil pasta tomat rasa bawang putih, siap pakai
air secukupnya
cabai bubuk secukupnya
Royco rasa ayam secukupnya
merica bubuk secukupnya
sayuran pendamping, misalnya wortel kecil, buncis dll
Cara Membuat
- Kukus kubis hingga agak lunak, lepasin satu-satu
- Cacah daging ayam (sisihkan 2 sdm), campur dengan Royco, merica, garam, aduk rata
- Ambil kubis, beri cacahan ayam tengahnya, gulung, taruh di loyang tahan panas
- Campur 2 sdm ayam dengan pasta tomat serta sedikit air, tuang diatas kubis
- Panggang di oven 375 F selama 45 menit
- Sementara itu kukus sayuran pendamping dan taruh di piring saji
- Sajikan kubis diatas sayuran kukus dan beri sedikit kuah dari loyang
Selamat Makan 😀