This date loaf cake is a variety of Indonesian traditional cake.
There are tons of varieties of “bingka” cake that is originally from Borneo (up to Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam). Today there are even loaf cakes that are also called (bolu) bingka, and somewhat different from Borneo style, and am sharing the recipe below ๐
As bingka is a “wet” type of cake, you will find the following loaf cake is crisp on the top, yet somewhat looking wet on the bottom. Please don’t be alarmed ๐ – In Indonesia we have wet cakes that are known as kue basah or jajan pasar

3/4 cup all purpose flour
3/4 cup sugar
300 ml thick coconut milk
1/2 cup chopped dates, seedless
1 scant tsp of vanilla sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp of baking powder
1/2 cup of warm melted margarine

- Add flour, baking powder, and vanilla sugar, mix thoroughly
- In a separate bowl, I combined eggs, and sugar, then using with mixer, I blended both ingredients until smooth, white, and raising up.
- Add in the coconut milk, and keep mixing it in low speed, add in the mixture of flour.
- Meanwhile, melt the margarine. Then add in the melted margarine into the mixer.
- Turn off the mixer, then using spatula, I added in the chopped dates, and mixing it well.
- Using cooking brush, brush the baking pan with margarine then spread/sprinkle some flour all over, then I poured in the batter
- Bake in 350 F for an hour or so, until golden brown, and until the tooth pick inserted comes out clean.
Bolu Bingka Kurma
- 3/4 cup all purpose flour
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 300 ml thick coconut milk
- 1/2 cup chopped dates seedless
- 1 scant tsp of vanilla sugar
- 3 eggs
- 1 tsp of baking powder
- 1/2 cup of warm melted margarine
- Add flour, baking powder, and vanilla sugar, mix thoroughly
- In a separate bowl, I combined eggs, and sugar, then using with mixer, I blended both ingredients until smooth, white, and raising up.
- Add in the coconut milk, and keep mixing it in low speed, add in the mixture of flour.
- Meanwhile, melt the margarine. Then add in the melted margarine into the mixer.
- Turn off the mixer, then using spatula, I added in the chopped dates, and mixing it well.
- Using cooking brush, brush the baking pan with margarine then spread/sprinkle some flour all over, then I poured in the batter
- Bake in 350 F for an hour or so, until golden brown, and until the tooth pick inserted comes out clean.

Bahasa Indonesia – Bolu Bingka Kurma
Kue bingka merupakan kue khas dari Kalimantan (termasuk Malaysia serta Brunei yah). Jajanan pasar satu ini termasuk jajanan pasar basah.
Kue dibawah ini merupakan variasi dari kue bingka, karena saya buat seperti kue bolu.
Jadi jangan kaget kalau Anda mencoba kue berikut ini, bagian atas seperti layaknya bolu, namun bagian ke bawah agak basah, seperti kue bingka pasaran ๐
Selamat mencoba!

3/4 gelas terigu
3/4 gelas gula pasir
300 ml santan kental
1/2 gelas kurma cacah
1 sdt vanila bubuk
3 butir telur
1 sdt bakpuder (baking powder)
1/2 gelas margarin leleh yang masih hangat
Cara Membuat
- Campurkan bahan kering, sisihkan
- Kocok telur dan gula
- Masukkan campuran bahan kering
- Masukkan santan
- Masukkan margarin leleh
- Masukkan cacahan kurma, aduk rata
- Tuang pada loyang yang sudah di beri margarin serta tepung
- Panggang pada 350 F selama 1 jam