I love this pie so much, a recipe from my mum.
When I had a friend over and served her this pie, she said she knows this kind of pie as Millionaire Pie, but at my home we call this coconut custard pie. I have yet to make the so-called Millionaire Pie though.

This pie is so, so, so good, but I am biased as I love everything custard!

1/4 tsp salt
1 cup sweetened coconut flakes
2 cups fat free milk
4 eggs
1/4 cup salted margarine
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla sugar
2 tbsp of sultanas
- Mix all ingredients together, using a mixer or a blender.
- Pour into 10 inch pie plate, greased and floured all over.
- Bake at 350 F degrees for about 60 minutes.
- This pie makes its own crust and a coconut topping. The taste is sweet custard like.
Tips: try to really use a 10 inch pie plate because this recipe has so much liquid. Less than 10 inch pie plate wont hold the liquid.
Coconut Custard Pie
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1 cup sweetened coconut flakes
- 2 cups fat free milk
- 4 eggs
- 1/4 cup salted margarine
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp vanilla sugar
- 2 tbsp of sultanas
- Mix all ingredients together, using a mixer or a blender.
- Pour into 10 inch pie plate, greased and floured all over.
- Bake at 350 F degrees for about 60 minutes.
- This pie makes its own crust and a coconut topping. The taste is sweet custard like.

Bahasa Indonesia – Pai Krim Kelapa
Ini salah satu pai kesukaan saya. Resep dari Mama di Indonesia. Lucunya di Kanada, seorang teman yang mencoba pai ini pas lagi main ke tempat saya, dia bilang, pai ini dikenal sebagai Millionaire Pie. Saya bilang, oh yah? Ini resep dari Indonesia padahal, bukan resep dari luar hahaha
Mari di coba, enaaaak deh

1/4 sdt garam
1 gelas kelapa parut kering siap pakai, rasa manis
2 gelas susu cair
4 butir telur
1/4 gelas margarin
1 sdt bubuk vanili
2 sdm sultanas
Cara Membuat
- Campur seluruh bahan (kocok) jadi satu, tuang ke loyang pai
- Panggang 60 menit dalam suhu 350 F
- Jadi deh