Grilled fish anyone?
My husband and I love having BBQ. Yes, we only have a small portable bbq, but it is so convenient to have when you live in a small apartment lol And even small portable bbq would really produce awesome grilled foods, you know 😉 Like this following grilled fish am sharing 😀 So, so good, trust me 😀

- Marinade: 1 lemon, juiced; 1 tbsp salt; 1 tbsp tamarind; 2-3 cloves of garlic, crushed
- 2-3 tbsp cooking oil mixed with 2 tbsp sweet soy sauce
- 1 kg of any kinds of fish, I used Pacific Pink Salmon; clean and wash

- Marinade the fish for about 10-15 minutes
- Occasionally brush the fish while grilling with the oil mixture
- Grill until cooked.
- Serve with warm rice and your favorite dipping/hot sauce!
Ikan Bakar
- 1 lemon juiced;
- 1 tbsp salt;
- 1 tbsp tamarind;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic crushed
Grilled Fish
- 2-3 tbsp cooking oil mixed with 2 tbsp sweet soy sauce
- 1 kg of any kinds of fish I used Pacific Pink Salmon; clean and wash
- Marinade the fish for about 10-15 minutes
- Occasionally brush the fish while grilling with the oil mixture
- Grill until cooked.
- Serve with warm rice and your favorite dipping/hot sauce!

Bahasa Indonesia – Ikan Bakar
Siapa yang ga suka ikan bakar yah? Nikmat meski hanya dengan bumbu yang sederhana. Kami sering bakar ikan kalau hari minggu, sayang ikan di Canada harganya selangiiiiit, jadi belinya ga bisa maruk seperti di Indonesia hahaha 😀 😀
Enak disajikan dengan nasi hangat dan tentunya sambal tomat super pedas. Enak tenan :D:D

- Ikan sesuai selera, cuci bersih, bersihkan dalamnya serta sisiknya
- Campur: peras 1 buah jeruk lemon, ambil airnya. Tambahkan 1 sdm garam, 1 sdm asam, 3 siung bawang putih, memarkan. Balutkan campuran ini ke seluruh tubuh ikan, luar dalam, biarkan 15 menit
- Campurkan: 2 sdm kecap manis serta 2 sdm minyak goreng
Cara Membuat
- Bakar ikan dengan sesekali disapu campuran kecap manis