This is my husband’s mother’s recipe.
Cottage cheese in Europe is a bit different than those found in North America. This following recipe is originally using European style cottage cheese but it works just fine with North American style cottage cheese, just slightly different in texture.
I am down for everything cheese and fruit, it’s pretty good. How about you? 🙂

4 dcl milk
4 tablespoon of oil
1 big can of mixed fruit
250 gram icing sugar
250 gram flour
1/2-1 teaspoon of baking powder
3-4 eggs
1/2 package of dry cottage cheese
butter/margarine, spread all over the aluminium baking dish
- Mix the flour, icing sugar, and baking powder using spatula, set a side
- Beat eggs well with oil and milk, pour in half of the mixture of flour, baking powder and icing sugar, mix it.
- In a baking dish/aluminium baking dish, spread the flour mixture then spread the dry cottage cheese, top it with fruits, and at last top it with the beaten eggs that already mixed with half of flour mixture
- Bake it on 180 C for 30 minutes or until golden brown

Cottage Cheese Fruit Tart
- 4 dcl milk
- 4 tablespoon of oil
- 1 big can of mixed fruit
- 250 gram icing sugar
- 250 gram flour
- 1/2-1 teaspoon of baking powder
- 3-4 eggs
- 1/2 package of dry cottage cheese
- butter/margarine spread all over the aluminium baking dish
- Mix the flour, icing sugar, and baking powder using spatula, set a side
- Beat eggs well with oil and milk, pour in half of the mixture of flour, baking powder and icing sugar, mix it.
- In a baking dish/aluminium baking dish, spread the flour mixture then spread the dry cottage cheese, top it with fruits, and at last top it with the beaten eggs that already mixed with half of flour mixture
- Bake it on 180 C for 30 minutes or until golden brown

Di Indonesia ada ga yah keju cottage? Kalau susah, ini bisa pakai keju krim yah!
Ini resep dari ibunya suami saya. Rasanya cukup enak meski seharusnya resep asli menggunakan keju cottage khas Eropa. Di Amerika Utara, keju cottage agak berbeda dari yang ada di Eropa.
Dengan begitu, melihat hasil tetap enak, saya yakin bisa kok menggunaka keju krim di Indonesia buat nih kue tar 😀
Selamat mencoba!
4 desiliter susu cair
4 sdm minyak goreng
1 kaleng besar buah koktail
250 gram gula icing (tepung gula/gula super halus)
250 gram terigu
1/2-1 sdt bakpuder (baking powder)
3-4 telur
1/2 kaleng keju cottage
mentega/margarin buat loyang
Cara Membuat
- Campur bahan kering, bagi dua
- Taruh setengah campuran bahan kering pada loyang, beri keju cottage diatasnya serta buah kaleng
- Kocok telur, minyak, dan gula
- Campur sisa bahan kering dengan kocokan telur, dan tuang ke loyang
- Panggang pada 180 C selama 30 menit