South East Asians are pretty addicted to this kind of drink, called Bubble tea. In old days, whenever my oldest sister had her payment day, she always treat me to a famous food stall in Plaza Balikpapan, Indonesia, and I often ordered this drink. Here in Canada, I also often find Asians either boys or girls sucking bubble tea whenever, wherever, and sometimes it makes me missing my sister.
One day, it was pretty hot, and I was going to make milkshake but instead, I did some little experiment combining things from my head into the blender then I grabbed the sagou pearls bag from the kitchen shelves, boiled them, cooled them, adding ice into the blender and blend them once more, and VOILA, here is my own bubble tea.

1 cup of milk
6 tablespoons of honey (or more if you prefer more sweet taste)
1 cup of strong tea (prefer either Black Tea or Orange Pekoe Tea), chilled
1 cup of ice cubes, crushed
1 bag of Sagou Pearls (Tapioca/Cassava Pearls)
Enough hot water
- Cook Sagou pearls, see the instruction on the back of the bag. Just in case there is no instruction, put in sagou pearls into boiling hot water and stir them occasionally so they won’t stick one to another. Cook for about 30 minutes or a bit longer until you see sagou pearls are see through (the color changes from the original to see through pearls). Turn off the stove, steep pearls for 10-20 minutes with the lid on. After that, drain-rinse pearls with cold water.
- Meanwhile dissolve honey in hot water, then put in the rinsed pearls into the honey water. Stir well.
- In a blender or shaker, blend/shake milk, tea, and ice well.
- Put 2-3 tablespoons of sweetened pearls into a large glass or plastic see through glass, then pour in milk, tea, ice into the glass.
- Serves 2
- Serve with thick straw. Very good for summer non-alcohol drink for the whole family. You can try this recipe and adding any flavors you like such as cappuccino, fruits, and such.
- Double the recipes for the milk, ice, and half cup of tea and you can get more serving without having more bags of sagou pearls.
Easy Bubble Tea
- 1 cup of milk
- 6 tablespoons of honey or more if you prefer more sweet taste
- 1 cup of strong tea prefer either Black Tea or Orange Pekoe Tea, chilled
- 1 cup of ice cubes crushed
- 1 bag of Sagou Pearls Tapioca/Cassava Pearls
- Enough hot water
- Cook Sagou pearls, see the instruction on the back of the bag. Just in case there is no instruction, put in sagou pearls into boiling hot water and stir them occasionally so they won’t stick one to another. Cook for about 30 minutes or a bit longer until you see sagou pearls are see through (the color changes from the original to see through pearls). Turn off the stove, steep pearls for 10-20 minutes with the lid on. After that, drain-rinse pearls with cold water.
- Meanwhile dissolve honey in hot water, then put in the rinsed pearls into the honey water. Stir well.
- In a blender or shaker, blend/shake milk, tea, and ice well.
- Put 2-3 tablespoons of sweetened pearls into a large glass or plastic see through glass, then pour in milk, tea, ice into the glass.

Bahasa Indonesia – Bubble Tea
Suka bubble tea juga ga? Dulu kakak saya suka beliin ini ketika beliau habis gajian 😀 Disini kalau lihat orang minum bubble tea, pasti keingat sama kakak. Iseng-iseng deh pas hari gi panas, nyoba bikin bubble tea sendiri. Eh jadi juga ternyata 😀
Selamat mencoba, tapi ini resep dasar banget yah, bukan yang mewah rasa buah-buahan dll.
Aduh jadi pingin bubble tea rasa durian nih gara-gara ngetik ini resep hahaha

1 gelas susu cair
6 sdm madu (kalau mau lebih manis, tambah sendiri yah ukurannya)
1 gelas teh yang cukup keras rasanya, misalnya Teh Hitam atau teh rasa jeruk-lapis legit, dinginkan di kulkas
1 gelas penuh es batu yang sudah dihancurkan, atau es kubus
1 bungkus sagu mutiara yang besar (Boba)
Air panas secukupnya
Cara Membuat
- Masak sagu mutiara seperti yang tertera pada bungkusnya, setelah matang cuci dengan air dingin, tiriskan
- Aduk madu kedalam air panas, lalu campur sagu mutiara kedalam madu, untuk memaniskan, tuang kedalam gelas saji
- Blender susu, teh, serta es
- Tuang kedalam gelas saji, sajikan