I love cream soup, but neither my husband nor I would feel full afterward. Not because we don’t eat a lot of the soup, but it is more to the suggestion the eyes send to the brain, you know, as if you are drinking only, not eating per se hahaha So, often I make cream soup with a slight of chunks to be seen.
You can definitely process the following soup into real cream soup (no chunks at all) if you’d like to!
Give this soup a try. Simple to prepare and yet tasty 🙂

300 g carrots, process into puree with 500 cc chicken broth
2 tbsp butter
50 g finely diced onion
3 cloves garlic, finely diced
2 tbsp corn starch
salt, pepper, grated nutmeg, to taste
500 cc chicken broth
100 g canned corn peel
50 g canned peas
6 chicken wieners, slice
- Heat butter, saute garlic and onion, pour in carrot puree
- Add in broth and stir in cornstarch
- Season, bring to boil
- Add in corn and peas, followed with chicken wieners
- Cook for another 10 minutes
Creamy Carrot Soup
- 300 g carrots process into puree with 500 cc chicken broth
- 2 tbsp butter
- 50 g finely diced onion
- 3 cloves garlic finely diced
- 2 tbsp corn starch
- salt pepper, grated nutmeg, to taste
- 500 cc chicken broth
- 100 g canned corn peel
- 50 g canned peas
- 6 chicken wieners slice
- Heat butter, saute garlic and onion, pour in carrot puree
- Add in broth and stir in cornstarch
- Season, bring to boil
- Add in corn and peas, followed with chicken wieners
- Cook for another 10 minutes

Bahasa Indonesia – Sop Krim Wortel
Resep sop krim wortel dibawah ini, boleh disajikan seperti difoto, atau bisa juga diblender lagi seluruhnya setelah matang, agar lebih kental krimnya.
Saya dan suami sih hobinya makan sop yang masih sedikit ada yang masih bisa dikunyah hahaha Jadi yang seringnya tidak saya blender lagi 🙂
Selamat mencoba!

300 gram wortel (blender halus bersama 500 cc kaldu)
2 sendok makan mentega untuk menumis
50 gram bawang bombay, cincang halus
3 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
2 sendok makan maizena
garam, merica, biji pala
500 cc kaldu
100 gram jagung manis yang sudah disisir (atau kalengan)
50 gram kacang polong
6 buah sosis ayam, iris tipis
Cara Membuat:
- Tumis bawang bombay bersama bawang putih hingga harum. Tambahkan blenderan wortel. Aduk rata.
- Masukkan kaldu, maizena, garam, merica, dan biji pala. Aduk dan masak hingga mendidih.
- Masukkan jagung manis, kacang polong, dan sosis ayam. Aduk dan masak hingga semua bahan matang.